Supporting education through virtual, digital transformation
Increase operation
- Innovative approach to facilitate educational compliance
- Design affecting up to 63% of C&R administrative costs
- Innovating real-time policy-based triggered tuition reimbursements and disbursements
- Empowers real-time, competency-based tuition reimbursement
- Ready to deploy immediately
- No headgear and works on just a web browser
- Existing functionality with new capabilities
- Intuitive for users 35 years old and under; simple adoption for users 35+
Improve student
- Learning Experience Platform vs. Learning Management System
- Real-time transcripts through embedded blockchain credentialing with high-level crypto-secure ecosystem
- Student owns and aggregates their completed competencies as lifelong learners
- Real-time indexing of student competencies for communities and employers
- Supplying information on education in real time with maximum efficiency
Improve the online
- 10-100 times more engaged learning*
- 10-100 times more engaged mentoring and teaching*
- Incorporates all four modalities of learning
- Taps into the experiential learning cycle
- Improved interactions through haptic and kinetic feedback
- One-to-one mentorship between the educator and student
- Human-to-human knowledge transfer
* Research currently underway with University of Advancing Technology
Improve the classroom
- 10-100 times faster learning*
- 10-100 times better knowledge retention*
- Enables student to experience more through VR/AR, haptic, and AI
- Intrinsically drives motivation to persistence and completion
- Improved student feedback through behavioral analytics
* Research currently underway with University of Advancing Technology
- Leverage as part of your recruitment funnel
- Natively integrates with LMSs and CRMs
- Improved analytics for one-to-one messaging
Generate new
- Provides evergreen interactivity and value
- Creates personalized lifelong connections with students and alumni
- Innovation in emerging areas of competency-based education and training support
- Real-time community workforce outreach and positioning of the student with current learning efforts
- Aggregates need in community, educational content, and educators with an innovative approach to effective pipeline partnerships with efficiency
Improve alumni
- Continuing education curriculum development
- Renewed ability to message alumni with more relevance and engagement
- Community opportunities
- One-to-one personal interactions
Develop a hybrid
- Educate within full fidelity industry environments
- On-the-job environmental training
- Real-time indexing of workforce competencies
The true value of virtual education
HReality Education platform classrooms introduce natural human behaviors and appearances into a simulated environment to improve learning, incorporating all four learning modalities, experiential learning, and mentorship.
Virtual campuses
HReality Education platform offers you the opportunity to flexibly and scalably host modular educational courses with optional self-service certificate outcomes. With a consistent, cross-generational user experience, HReality Education is perfect for traditional classroom experiences, higher ed, corporate training, and new product introductions, to name a few.
Customized VR classrooms
Current online learning "classrooms" are not conducive to collaboration and hands-on learning. The HReality learning interface includes didactic information, resource library, interactive 3/4D animation, haptic feedback, and spatial sound—all of which is customizable to your classroom needs.
Personalized avatars
Look like you. Interact like you. HReality avatars not only look the part, but they act it with real life etiquette, mannerisms, and gestures that allow the next level of interaction to happen virtually. Professionalication brings one-on-one interactions and mentorship to online education.
Real-time MR interaction
The personalized one-to-one value of academia, mentorship, and experiential learning has depreciated with the induction of online learning—much of the human-to-human motivators and interactions were replaced with message boards, video lectures, and the repetition of weekly assignment submissions. HReality Education is actively counteracting this by bringing back the connective, human aspect to online learning.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to the questions we get asked the most about HReality.
What is HReality Education?
HReality Education is a learning experience platform (LXP) that enables educators and students to harness haptic and kinetic learning and interactions delivered in 2D and 4D. Built as an API, HReality Education software works with existing structured data within LMS shell content to leverage new VR learning experiences. Simply put, HReality Education transforms static online learning to an experiential environment to enhance interactions and knowledge transfer. Learn more about HReality here.
Top 10 reasons why HReality is a better virtual education platform.
- Built with professionalication™ (vs. rag doll rigs and gamification-based ideology, technology, and talent).
- New category of software: the virtual LXP (learning experience platform) plugs into any LMS (learning management system such as Canvas or Blackboard) and instantly provides the new capabilities of haptic integration and 4D interactivity.
- No headgear, hand gear, or controller required.
- Works securely on a standard browser with existing student or enterprise equipment.
- Customizable to job or learning types with open source haptics available for less than $199.
- HReality creates an entire methodology and standard hybrid reality interface to efficiently visualize and interact with all the content that was 2D. This renews buy-in for another generation and enables structured data and flat content already within LMS platforms to take advantage of new technology.
- For instant and enthusiastic adoption by constituencies, HReality created an instant import tool from existing course shells in LMS platforms. This empowers teachers and universities to extend their investments in their LMS and repurpose the static structured course content into this new economy with a click of a button.
- For instant academic adoption, an easy to use drag and drop tool was created to instantly build virtual classrooms. This tool makes it easy, fun, efficient, and reinvigorates academics in completely new ways.
- HReality introduces quantum analytics. Academic processes generate huge amounts of data related to learning activities, student interactions, and outcomes throughout each department. With virtual education platforms that capture real-time quantum analytics, the data can be leveraged to provide real-time benefits to teachers, students, and institutions. HReality desktop to virtual interactions enable owners of LMS platforms to perform various analysis, with completely different and dynamic outcomes. Additionally, more secure storage schemes are in place, in contrast to disaggregated tables that make it impossible to access the records of interest. By nature of the innovations, quantum, real-time analytics, once combined with existing desk to interaction data, HReality changes what can be accomplished with new technology to influence the reduction of education waste, increased efficiencies, improved reimbursements, and secure real-time data sharing. This opens up completely new possibilities in compliance, persistence/completion, learning efficacy, and student satisfaction and experiences.
- Finally, embedded within the platform is a unique approach to real-time secure blockchain BlockSolid credentialing that addresses the old problems of placement, college administration, and lifetime connection and value to the student after the student graduates with new solutions.
Is there an option for a custom branded virtual experience?
Yes! Anything in real life and more can be recreated virtually. Please contact FabCom, the skunk works integrated marketing and advertising agency behind HReality, to discover what can be done.
How much does HReality Education platform cost?
Pricing is dependent on the type of functionality and environment you want to create. Please contact FabCom, the skunk works integrated marketing and advertising agency behind HReality, to discover what can be done.
Become an education partner
HReality has been conceived to be truly hybrid. As new virtual technologies emerge and how they are purposed continuously evolves, the cloud platform will incorporate the best new functionalities every 30 days.
What would you like to see incorporated into HReality?
Years ahead of the pack
HReality Education is the original virtual learning experience platform (LXP). With native API integration, HReality Education can be instantly plugged into your LMS, including Canvas and Blackboard, and includes sales force integration, virtual showrooms, virtual demos, haptic learning, and workforce training.